You’ve watched a numerous amount of famous films that you know from the back of your hand. Only to find that there are a few facts about that film you may have been oblivious to, which you may have wished you had known before. 

From the popular Q&A site Quora, we have compiled our top ten list of answers we think you will find interesting.

Read Kratik Mehta's answer to What are some of the strangest facts about famous movies? on Quora

Read Garrick Saito's answer to What are some of the strangest facts about famous movies? on Quora

Read Mayuri Tiwari's answer to What are some of the strangest facts about famous movies? on Quora

Read Rajat Kumar's answer to What are some of the strangest facts about famous movies? on Quora

Read Prasanta Raut's answer to What are some of the strangest facts about famous movies? on Quora

Read Krishna Agrawal's answer to What are some of the strangest facts about famous movies? on Quora

Read Mayuri Tiwari's answer to What are some of the strangest facts about famous movies? on Quora

Read Ashwin Sathyaseelan's answer to What are some of the strangest facts about famous movies? on Quora

Read Kratik Mehta's answer to What are some of the strangest facts about famous movies? on Quora

Read Sribatsa Pathy's answer to What are some of the strangest facts about famous movies? on Quora

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